Friday, April 12, 2019

Focus on haves

Human gets complete with three things.
1:  "Mind" from which we think
2: "Heart"  from which we feel
3:  "Body" form which we act
The mind: person can not be healthy and happy unless  manage the way of the thinking,
Focus is One of the most important thing in human 's happiness ,  their is the concept of what ever you focus on, it grows or expand  and that is why we find some kind people  that are problem focused,
It means that in any given situation the will pick up the problem and that will become their focal point.
And that leads to anxiety and they can't not cope with  their minds,
Reason: if they focus on problems, It grows and they will start to become bigger and bigger then the  bigger it gets they will be surrounded with problems and the can become frustrated.
Explaining: Two boys in a picture  up and down.
At the top a boy with a  piece of cake and happy 😊 And beaming for holding only one piece,
Then below him another boy and he is holding entire cake only one "piece" missing and he is sad 😔,
Now the boy on top is happy because he's  focus is on what he have which is a slice of cake and the one in bottom is sad because he's focus is in what he doesn't have which is only one piece.
Now the boy in bottom has more cake and still he is sad because his focus is different,
The one in the top his focus is on what he have so he is happy. So the concept of happiness focus on what and who do you have with you.     Inspired 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Most underrated word "LOVE"
Love actually decreased percentage of heart attack  in women and thanks for their tears,
And increases amount of sad and dramatic Facebook post on men's wall in which they share such love emojis that even I start missing their EXs 😜.
At school  which teaches people how to suffer and act victimized,
A love which get changed trough  time is only lust for controlling emotionally which the best feeling in some point of views.
Love is pure  but now a days it is as complicated as my maths Homework the more you go deep to solve never get solved.
As one of my friends told me he was excited that he found true love and he feel butterflies inside him and I told him how easy for you to find true love in my case when I wake up in morning I can't even find my pant 😄😄.
I'm not against love but what I feel most people get confused between love and like and this confusion build  another confusion.
Love is about sacrificing, more giving then taking, patience and most important not changeable.
It's more feeling less expressing and most important it doesn't require a day so I am totally against Valentine's Day because it belongs to those who need a reminder and the love that requires reminder not worth celebrating.

Khat (Letter) from a Father

This letter is for you  There are few things in our life which we often feel but never express, i also have something on my mind but i don...