Life is a journey between B and D,
B is Birth and D is Death, but C is in between? what is C?
C is choice, a Choice to suffer or not to suffer.
why most of time when we get hurt in life no matter what it is, career, relationship, love or anything why the pain is not going away even if it happened long time ago.
I have been asked once that why pain never finishes. I believe the question is wrong, the question should be,
when the pains will get reduce, the answer is when you stop touching the wound every day, the wound will keep getting fresh and it will keep hurting you.
Now you have the (C) choice that do you want to suffer or not to suffer, feel hurt or not to get hurt.
For example, if someone from China or any other country that I don't understand the language comes and start insulting me, what will I do? Umm ... I don't understand him, so I won't mind him maybe he is saying I have good hair style or asking me something.
The conclusion is that will I take/accept his word and allow myself to get insulted.
Inspired from Life.